Exemptions and Reductions on rural plots for year 2023

  1. Owners or occupants of immovable property that is used solely for agricultural and stock-raising purposes and which, according to current legislation, cannot be developed in any way, are entitled to apply for an exemption from sewerage and drainage charges for the specified property.
  2. Owners or occupants of property which is located within the boundaries of Phase A of the sewerage project and which is used solely for agricultural and stock-raising purposes, will be granted a 50% reduction of the applicable rate for the area in which the property is located provided that:
  • The farmer resides in the property 
  • has as his sole occupation agriculture and stock-raising and he has no other income. There are no installations or premises in his property that are used for any purposes other than agriculture 
  • The property is registered in the name of the farmer or his wife.

The reduction will o­nly be granted upon presentation of an appropriate certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Income Tax Office, confirming that the property is used solely for agriculture (for Immovable Property Taxation purposes) or any other certificate that the Board may request.

The exemption will be granted o­nly when the relevant application form has been completed and submitted. 

Reductions to elderly and specific vulnerable groups for the year 2023

The reduction granted to senior citizens and specific vulnerable groups is a 50% reduction in the payable charges for the year. The maximum reduction that is granted for the year 2023 is €90.

This kind of reduction is granted only to: 

  1. Property owners receiving help from the Welfare Office
  2. Those receiving a disability pension from the Department of Social Security.
  3. Senior citizens receiving a social pension or old age pension, widowhood, or any other pension from abroad and the total household monthly income (pension plus any other income) does not exceed:
  • for a household of one person:  €850
  • for a household of two persons:  €1.200 

Definition of household: Household means "the pensioner and his/her spouse" provided that they both live in the same house for which they claim reduction in sewerage charge.

Please note that due to the introduction of the General Healthcare System (ΓΕΣΥ), these limits will apply after the deduction of the contribution of the pensioner/s to ΓΕΣΥ.

The reduction will be granted o­nly where: 

  1. The property is used as the main residence of the taxpayer. Other properties are not entitled to a reduction.
  2. The property is registered in the applicant's name. In those cases where the owner is deceased then his / her spouse is entitled to the reduction.
  3. A certificate received from the Social Insurance office or any other information that the Board may deem as necessary, is submitted to the Board. The reduction can o­nly be granted when the taxpayer has completed and submitted the special application form.



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